There’s so much to navigate when running a business or not-for-profit – processes, systems, teams, etc.
Let our Business Leaders Guide To Getting The Most Out Of Your Finance Function help define what you need to know about setting up an appropriate accounting team to suit your organisation's size, goals and objectives.
Many business leaders lack confidence in the accuracy of their numbers. Whether it's the wrong person or team in the lead finance role, or a lack of experience from the business leaders perspective, the foundational accounts of the business must be accurate before the finance department can begin to bring any real value to the organisation.
Let this series of articles address the basic foundational elements that should be considered in order to have confidence in the finances of your company:
With confidence in the numbers a non-issue, it's now time to leverage the accounting team to take control of the business.
With greater control, you’ll move from feeling like the transactions are happening to you, to you happening to the transactions. This control gives you a better ability to predict the future and plan your response.
Let this series of articles demonstrate the control that an experienced finance partner can bring to the organisation:
The relationship you establish with your accountant or finance team leader should be based on collaboration. It goes beyond fancy charts and pretty reports. An experienced partner should be seen as a trusted business alliance. One that can help you remain aware of the here and now and look forward to spot future commercial opportunities.
Let this set of articles touch on some of the broader issues your Finance partner should be collaborating with you on throughout the journey:
Our services are always tailored to the size, requirements and operational challenges of your unique enterprise.
An initial, 45 minute video call to understand your unique financial and business challenges.
Gain access to your accounting system and conduct a high-level financial health check of your business.
We present the results of our health check along with our recommendations on what a sensible plan is to help solve your most pressing problems.
We carry out the plan with your team, scaling our services up or down as appropriate throughout the life of our partnership.
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