Forecasting is a term commonly associated with weather. However, there’s a good reason the term is also applied to business finances. Forecasting has the same purpose in financials as it does with the weather. It helps predict what lies ahead so you can prepare yourself to weather the storm. When you can forecast revenue, you can monitor your operations and discover what is at the root of your sales triumphs and failures.
You can set goals, measure performance and have a roadmap based on informed predictions, so you remain strategic in your management decisions. As a result, you maximise profits and have a sense of where you are heading. Here we look at why it is important to develop an appropriate forecasting model to maintain control of your organisation’s success.
Having an appropriate forecasting model is vital to your organisation’s success. It provides you with a tool that helps make predictions more accurate. It allows you to:-
Simply put, forecasting provides a roadmap to help you meet your goals.
Forecasting is also about mitigating risk and improving your ability to spot opportunities. Further, it inadvertently offers insights into customer behaviour as you can watch sales more closely and understand what is bringing them to your business, or worse, what is scaring them away! These insights contribute to effective sales plans and goal setting in hand with a more robust marketing plan to help attract the right audience.
The appropriate forecasting model keeps your organisation looking forward, so you always know how cash flows in and predict when cash will flow out. Financial institutions help explain the flow of funds where multiple business structures are involved, so you always know ‘who is who in the zoo’ when it comes to your money.
The problem with many organisations is they fail to think beyond the ‘cash in the bank now’ situation. Ideally, organisations are best placed when they continue to use their past performance to effectively forecast what is expected in the future. This contributes to sound working capital management that allows you, as the business owner, to sleep at night. Using different scenarios, you can set effective forecasts to determine when and how much cash you may need to weather any storm and rise to meet unforeseen events without breaking the bank.
Instead of thinking revenue forecasting is nothing more than budget allocation, it is important to recognise it for what it is. Forecasting is a strategic tool that provides insights for effective decision-making. By using the most effective forecasting model, you keep your numbers more accurate and boost your confidence in your decisions.
Bonitas Partners Pty Ltd’s cash flow and financial forecasting ensure you will never be flying blind when running your business. We can help put the appropriate forecasting model in place and provide the support you need to keep on top of your finances. We take a unique approach by asking all the right questions, so we are better equipped to think ahead to determine what you need.
Our services are always tailored to the size, requirements and operational challenges of your unique enterprise.
An initial, 45 minute video call to understand your unique financial and business challenges.
Gain access to your accounting system and conduct a high-level financial health check of your business.
We present the results of our health check along with our recommendations on what a sensible plan is to help solve your most pressing problems.
We carry out the plan with your team, scaling our services up or down as appropriate throughout the life of our partnership.
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