Preparing an effective budget requires a solid understanding of your business plan and the goals you have set for the short and long term. When you focus on setting budget targets, you focus on the important aspects of your finances, including cash flow management, cost reduction, capital gains, improving profits and more. Budgeting is at the root of success. It allows you to remain on top of your finances and make informed decisions that greatly reduce risks and enhance your profit-building power. Here are a few tips on how to prepare an adequate budget for your business.
Setting targets allows you to measure your performance. Without targets, it becomes more difficult to analyse performance and see if you are reaching your goals. You can determine if you have been reducing costs or spending more than expected to see if you are under or overperforming. These types of targets allow you to make improvements and adjust your approach to become more efficient and cost-effective.
Working with a partner to help you set realistic targets and help you meet them can make it easier to remain motivated and understand what you can realistically expect to achieve. The key is to understand your targets are not always achievable. Rather, they are a means to help steer your business toward your desired outcome. Placing too much time and focus on achieving an unrealistic target can lead to unintended consequences. Examples include:-
The best way to look at budgeting is as a crucial planning tool. You can choose the type of budget that meets your needs:-
Ideally, you should include both in your budget plan. The reason being it reminds you to monitor the two most important financial key performance indicators. You want to have access to the numbers that will help you to measure targets and keep track of how well you are meeting your goals.
With a budget plan, you can estimate your revenue and expenses and assess the different areas of your operation. This allows you to understand how money flows in and out of your business so you can identify opportunities based on expected increases in capital. Your budget plan will enable you to forecast expected earnings and plan where you should spend your cash.
If your business has multiple departments, you need to take the bottom-up approach to budgeting. Bottom-up budgeting starts at the department level and then moves upwards to the overall company budget. This is the best way to see where money is needed most, who is spending or saving more and where money and people resources need to be allocated. It also provides a closer look at the projects each department is planning for the year ahead and what resources they will need to undertake their projects. You can then look at the estimates of each department, add them up and get your overall budget.
This also helps make department heads more accountable for their own budgets and helps the business prioritise particular projects for the year(s) ahead.
Each department works together to come up with an overall budget that is better suited to meet the needs and goals of the entire business. As a result, the business collectively remains focused on overall objectives without losing sight of how their own department contributes to the organisation’s success.
The bottom-up budget might sound complicated, but it is actually quite simple. In summary:-
Ask yourself some important questions to help prioritise, approve, or deny department budget requests:
Once you determine what projects are viable and worth pursuing, you can share the approved numbers with your accounting team. Where particular project budget estimates require change, they are sent back to the department heads with feedback so they can make sure their budgets are revised and aligned with the organisation’s overall objectives.
Budgeting allows you to:-
Budgeting can accelerate the growth of your business by helping you to avoid roadblocks and potential disasters. However, just because you set a budget does not mean everything will work out exactly as you expect. It is worth taking the time to review and adjust your budget on a regular basis. This is known as forecasting. That is, taking your original budget and revising it for the remainder of the year based on what you think lies ahead. Think of your initial budget as a rough draft: necessary but not yet perfect.
Bonitas Partners Pty Ltd understands that accounting is not your core business. We focus on your accounting issues, such as smart budgeting, so you can focus on operations and strategy. Our budgeting helps you find opportunities to reduce your overhead cost and access your numbers when you need them.
Our services are always tailored to the size, requirements and operational challenges of your unique enterprise.
An initial, 45 minute video call to understand your unique financial and business challenges.
Gain access to your accounting system and conduct a high-level financial health check of your business.
We present the results of our health check along with our recommendations on what a sensible plan is to help solve your most pressing problems.
We carry out the plan with your team, scaling our services up or down as appropriate throughout the life of our partnership.
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